Mastering Hiring, Delegating, and Onboarding // A Guide for Small Business Owners

Your team will most likely be your biggest expense AND your biggest asset.

Tiff here. Next to systems, the biggest questions I get asked are about delegating, sourcing, hiring, and onboarding new team members. Most of our clients are just starting to bring people into their businesses, and it can be a little scary and overwhelming. So, let's tackle some of those burning questions together!

When Should You Hire Help?

Feeling overwhelmed? That's usually a sign that it's time to bring in some support. Whether it's a systems issue or a people problem, if there's too much work and not enough of you to go around, it's time for reinforcements. My advice? Start saving money before you're ready to hire. Setting aside a small amount each month can ease the financial burden when you're ready to take the plunge

What Should You Delegate?

Not sure what to hand off? Try my favorite exercise: the quadrant exercise. Identify tasks you love and excel at, tasks you love but struggle with, tasks you're good at but dislike, and tasks you hate and aren't good at. Focus on delegating the tasks that fall into the last category first to free up your time and energy.

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How Do You Find Help?

Finding the right help can be challenging, but there are plenty of avenues to explore. From VA agencies and Facebook Groups to freelancing platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, the options are endless. Don't underestimate the power of networking either—reach out to your connections and spread the word about the role you're looking to fill.

What Should You Expect to Pay?

The cost of hiring help can vary widely depending on the role and location. Junior designers might charge $40-$50 per hour, while VAs in the Philippines might charge as little as $7 per hour. Consider factors like time zone differences and language barriers when setting a budget.

How Can You Interview and Hire Effectively?

When it comes to interviewing, go beyond the resume. Ask situational questions to gauge communication and problem-solving skills. And don't rush the hiring process—start with a 30-day contract to ensure a good fit before committing long-term. Motto: slow to hire, quick to fire. You don't have time in this season in your business to deal with bad team members.

How Can You Get Organized and Ready to Hire?

Before bringing on new team members, ensure your systems and processes are in place. Document everything, from standard operating procedures to task lists, to set clear expectations for your new hires. Platforms like ClickUp, Asana, and Monday can help keep everything organized and accessible. Most first hires don't work out because there aren't clear expectations for the work. Clear is kind!

What Systems Should You Use for Team Communication?

Find a communication system that works for you and your team. Whether it's ClickUp for task management or Voxer for quick voice chats, choose tools that align with your preferred communication style and workflow. Try to stick to one!

Any Onboarding Tips?

Take a structured approach to onboarding to set your new hires up for success. Avoid overwhelming them with information and introduce tasks gradually over time. Be clear about expectations and document everything to avoid misunderstandings later.

What Types of Assistance Are Available?

From virtual assistants to social media managers, there's a wide range of assistance available to suit your needs and budget. Consider your specific requirements and goals when deciding what type of assistance to hire.

Hiring, delegating, and onboarding can be daunting tasks, but with the right approach, you can build a strong team that supports your business growth. Remember to be clear about your needs, set realistic expectations, and invest in systems and processes to set your team up for success. Happy hiring!

Got more questions? Feel free to reach out anytime. Here's to your success.


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